Enter Data in PDF Forms

PDF forms can be completed by internal task owners. Forms can include fields that will write to Onboarding fields when the form is submitted. Internal task owners can also save the form as a draft; the data will remain on the form but will not be written to the database until the form is submitted.

Onboarding managers must have rights to the PDF in order to see and edit the file.

To enter data in a PDF form

  1. Do one of the following to open the form:

  1. Enter or select values in the form as appropriate. If values appear in the fields, these are based on current new hire engagement information.  

  2. Click Save as Draft or Submit. In either instance, the data will be saved to the form. When the form is submitted, the information will be written to the database. If the PDF form task requires approval, the task will move to a Submitted status and will be reassigned to the designated Approver. If it does not require approval, the task will be automatically marked as completed.